



1973                  Béret, C. “Interview with Edda Renouf”, Art Press 2 (January).

                            “Edda Renouf”, Peinture Cahiers Théoriques (January).

                            “Edda Renouf”, Art Press 6 (September - October).


1974                   “Flash Art-France-Edda Renouf”, Flash Art (April), p.24.

                            Bouyeure, Claude; “Les Trameurs du Temps”, Cimaise pp. 117-118.


1975                   Dippel, Rini, “Fundamentale Schilderkunst” (Exhibition Catalogue), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

                           Martin, Henry, “In Milan Spring”, Art International (May).


                           Pleynet, Marcelin, “De la Couleur à la Ligne”, (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           ARC Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.


1976                   “Edda Renouf”, Basler Nachrichten 65, (March).

                            Lynton, Norbert, “Edda Renouf” (Exhibition Catalogue),  Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover.


1977                   Betz, M. “Review”, Art News (September).

                           Brown, Ellen, “Painting at C.A.C. is a Must to See”, The Cincinnati Post (August 13).

                           Burnham, Jack, “Minimalism”, The New Art Examiner, (Summer).

                           Herrera, Hayden, “Review”, Art in America, (January - February).

                           Morrin, France, “Edda Renouf”, Parachute ,(Winter).


1978                   Booth, Colin, “Reviews - Edda Renouf”, ArtScribe ,(August).

                           Frank, Peter, “New York Reviews” Art News, (Summer).

                           Guaneri, Ricardo, “Pittori di New York”, Visual, (April - May).

                           Larsen, Susan, “Intimate Mathematics”, Art News, (December).

                           Marlow, Peter O. Matrix 36: Edda Renouf, (Exhibition brochure). Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum.


 1979                  “Actual Art”, Skira Annual N°5, Daval, Jean-Luc, “Statement by Edda Renouf”,

                            Actual Art Skira Annual, p.52.

                            McDonald, Robert, “Painting with Textures”, Art Week (June 30).

                            Muchnic, Suzanne, “First Postmerger Show at Otis-Parsons”, Los Angeles Times (July 3).

                            Biennale Exhibition The Whitney Museum of American Art,, (Exhibition catalogue),

                             New York: Whitney Museum of American Art.


1980                   Hobler, Nardi, “The Fabric of Life”, St.Louis Post Dispatch (May).

                           King, Mary, “Renouf Subtleties on Paper and Canvas”,St.Louis Post Dispatch (May).

                           Muchnic, Suzanne, “Review: Edda Renouf”, Los Angeles Times, (November 7).

                           Zimmer, William, “Top Drawer”, The Soho News, (January 10).



1981                   Dagbert, Anne, “Edda Renouf”, Art Press (February).

                           Einreinhofer, Nancy, “4x7 Selections from the Vogel Collection”, (Exhibition catalogue).

                           Deschamps, Madeleine, “La Peinture Américaine, Les Mythes et la Matière”, Denoël, p.164-165.

1982                   Coopersmith, Georgia, 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Vogel Collection (Exhibition catalogue),

                           Potsdam: Brainert Art Gallery.       

                           Madoff, Steven Henry, “Edda Renouf at Blum Helman”, Art in America (May), p.143.


1984                   Durand, Regis. “Edda Renouf chez Galerie Yvon Lambert”,Art Press (September).

                           Graeme Murray Gallery at the Serpentine , “Exhibitions and Books with Artists 1976 – 1984”,  

                            (Exhibition Catalogue); Edinburgh.   


1985                   Madoff, Steven Henry, Abstract/Issues (Exhibition brochure), New York: Sherry French, et al.


1986                   Ploog, Randy J. et al. Drawings from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel  (Exhibition catalogue),

                           Little Rock, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Department of Art, Arkansas.      


1988                   Burckhart, L.; Brüderlin. M.; Gassner, H.; Loers, V., Schlaf der Vernunft , (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, p. 21-25.                                                                    

                           Costa, Vanina, “Le Sommeil de la Raison”, Beaux Arts Magazine, (May).

                           Graw, Isabelle, (Translated from the German Text by H. Martin),  “The Sleep of Reason”, Flash Art

                           (March), p. 139-40.

                           Ragon, Michel et Pleynet, Marcelin, “L’Art Abstrait” (1970-1987), Maeght, Editeur, p.l6, 63, 276.


1989                   Turner, Elisa, “Artist’s Grid for New Approaches”,  The Miami Herald (February 15) p.8D.

                           Collischan Van Wagner, Judy K. ,“Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women”, p. 116.


1991                   Woimant, F.; Miessner, M-C; Mœglin-Delcroix, A.; “Les enrichissements 1990 de la Bibliothèque Nationale -

                            Estampes Modernes”, Nouvelles de l’Estampe, N° 116, (May-June).      


1992                   Beaumont-Maillet, L.; Woimant, F.; Pernoud, E. : De Bonnard à Baselitz – Dix ans d’enrichissements

                           du Cabinet des Estampes 1978-1988,(Exhibition Catalogue), Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, p. 347.           

                           Lambert, Yvon; Pijaudier, Joëlle; Bozo, Dominique; Yvon Lambert Collectionne , (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           Musée d’Art Moderne de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille, de Tourcoing, p.78-79.


1993                   Ausstellung bei Konrad Fischer Düsseldorf (Exhibitions from October 1967- October 1992);

                           Edition Marzona, Bielefeld, p. 106 & 168.

                           Woimant, F.; Miessner, M.-C.; “Les enrichissements 1992 de la Bibliothèque Nationale

                           en Estampes Modernes”, Nouvelles de l’Estampe, Nº 130-131(October) p. 31-32.


1993                   Clark, Thomas A. ,“Edda Renouf: From Dawn to Dusk to Midnight”,   Contemporary Art,  London, (Summer ).


1994                   Dagbert, Anne,  “Une vision de l’infinité de la matière et de la nature”, (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           Edda Renouf; Etchings and Aquatints 1974-1994 , Editions Sollertis, Toulouse / Parasol Press,  New York, 1994.

                           “Edda Renouf” Basler Zeitung, Basel, (November 1994).

                            Paoletti, John T.; Fine, Ruth E.; From Minimal to Conceptual Art,Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel

                            Collection , (Exhibition Catalogue), National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., p. 118.


1995                   Le Maintenant d’Après  Une Constellation – Exposition de Groupe,  May/June – Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre,

                           (Exhibition Catalogue), Paris.


1996                   Bouisset, Maïten, “Edda Renouf”, Art  Press ,N° 216, (September).

                           Paul-Hervé Parsy, “Edda Renouf”, du graveur...30 ATELIERS; CNAP; (Exhibition Catalogue),    

                           Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1996; p. 74

                           Briand-Picard, C.; Cuzin, C.; Perrot, A.; Peindre? enquète & entretiens sur la peinture abstraite  ,    

                           “Edda Renouf” p.113, Edition Positions, Galerie B. Jordan et M. Devarrieux, Paris.

                           Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse; “Edda Renouf”; Expositions Enrevue Nº 6 ; (May-June 1996); p.189.


1997                   Schrenk, K.; Reising, G.; Studinger, E.; Fine, Ruth E.; Denizot, R.,

                           Edda Renouf – Werke 1972-1997 , (One-Person Exhibition Catalogue), Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe,

                           Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit.

                           Monteil, Anne-Marie, “Kunst in Basel - Edda Renouf”, BAZ Baseler Zeitung, (Jan. 18, 19, 1997).

                           Dienst, Rolf-Gunter ,  «Sprache, Sichtbar - Die Malerin Edda Renouf in Karlsruhe»,   

                           Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 117, (May).

                           Hübl, Michael,   «Von Dürers Grün führt eine Spur ins Heute», Badische Neueste Nachrichten (April).

                           Flack, Michael, “The Vogel Collection: A Sense of Ordered Purposefulness”,     

                           Drawing , The International Review published by the Drawing Society ,Vol. XVIII, Nº 4 (Spring), p.99.


1998                   Hofleitner, Johanna,   “Ausgestellt in Wien - Galerie Hubert Winter”,   Die Presse , (October).

                           Fine, Ruth E.; Donovan, Molly; “Many Artists/Many Things”; Women Artists in the Vogel Collection ,

                           (Exhibition Catalogue), Brenau University, Gainesville, GA.


1999                   Ellis,Estelle; Seebohm,Caroline; Sykes,Christopher S., “At Home with Art”; Clarkson Potter, New York,1999,

                           Insight, Persistance & Daring, The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection; p.80-83 .    

                           Femmes – Graveurs du XX Siècle  Livres et Estampes ,  (Exhibition Catalogue),

                            Cabinet des Estampes et des Dessins, Liège, Belgium, p.16.                 


2000                   Trentin, Giorgio, “ I Biennale dell’Incisione italiana contemporanea,‘Città  di Campobasso’”

                           (Paese ospite: Francia), Edizioni Vitmar, (June 2000).


2001                   Steinle, Christa; Weibel, Peter, “Die Cabinette des Dr. Czerny”, Neue Galerie Graz am

                           Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 2001.

                           Johnson, Ken; Galleries-57th Street; New York Times , (September 2001).               


2002                   La Culture Pour Vivre - Donations des Fondations Scaler et Clarence-Westbury , (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris , p.52-53.


2004                   Konau, B.; Westmacott, J.,” Interview of Edda Renouf”, Revealed Structures , (Exhibition Catalogue),

                           National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C. and Brenau University Galleries, Gainesville GA.

                           Edda Renouf : Revealed Structures, “Artist’s Statement”,  Women in the Arts, National Museum of

                           Women in the Arts, (Spring 2004), p.8-9.

                           Coppel, Stephen; Matisse to Freud   A Critic’s Choice, The Alexander Walker Bequest ,(Exhibition Brochure),

                           British Museum, London, 2004.        

                           Holsten, Siegmar; Neuerwerbungen Zeitgenössischer Kunst ,  1995 – 2004   Malerei und Skulptur seit 1960 ,

                           Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, (Illustrated Catalogue), p.38.                             



2007                   de los Angeles, Àlvaro; “El Soporte Como Discurso – Edda Renouf”, Levante, El Mercantil Valenciano, 5/07.


2008                  The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection / Fifty Works for Fifty States, National Endowment for the Arts,

                          Washington, D.C.; p.83 & p.155.


2009                  New York - New Drawings / 1946 - 2007, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain

                          and the Fifth Floor Foundation, New York, NY; (Exhibition Catalogue), p. 202 - 205.


                          Schiff, Karen; "Letter from Segovia"; The Brooklyn Rail, May 2009


                          elles@centrepompidou / Artistes femmes dans la Collection du Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre de

                          Création Industrielle, Centre Pompidou, Paris; (Exhibition Catalogue) p. 223.


                          State of the Art: Contemporary Sculpture, Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin 2009, Yale University Art Gallery,

                          New Haven, CT; p. 177.


2010                  Petherbridge, Deanna; The Primacy of Drawing,  Histories and Theories of Practice, Yale University Press, New Haven CT

                          and London; p.166 - p.167.


                          Ramond, Sylvie; " Entretien de Sylvie Ramond avec Jacques et Brigitte Gairard le 21 avril 2010 à Lyon", L'Emotion et la Règle ,

                          Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon; p.4; p.34 -35. (Exhibition Catalogue)


                           EDDA RENOUF Peintures et Dessins: 1973 - 2010; Galerie 1900 - 2000, David et Marcel Fleiss, Paris; juin 2010. (Exhibition Catalogue)


                           Draguet, Michel & Adriaens-Pannier, Anne; "Collection Particulière", Line & Colour in Drawing, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels,

                           Belgium; p.36 - p.37. (Exhibition Catalogue)

2011                    Azimi, Roxana; "Les beaux échanges de 'Berlin - Paris', Le Journal des Arts, no. 340; 4 - 7 février, 2011; p. 27.

                            Rondeau, James & Rorimer, Anne;Contemporary Collecting The Judith Neisser Collection: Minimal and Postminimal Innovation ,The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

                            and Yale University Press, New Haven CT; (Exhibition Catalogue), p. 118


                           Pascale, Mark; Contemporary Drawings from the Irving Stenn Jr. Collection,The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

                           and Yale University Press, New Haven CT and London; (Exhibition Catalogue), p.109


2013                   Edda Renouf ; Annely Juda Fine Art, London; April 2013. (Exhibition Catalogue)


                           Edda Renouf Drawings 1998 - 2011; Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York , NY; April12 - June 8, 2013. (Exhibition e-catalogue)


                           Edda Renouf Drawings 1998 - 2011; Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, April12 - June 8, 2013; Wall Street International; Agenda - United States, Arts;
                           Sunday, 18 August, 2013


                           Many Things Placed Here and There: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection at the Yale University Art Gallery, Yale University Art Gallery,

                           New Haven, CTp.18 & p. 43. (Exhibition Catalogue).



2014                  It's What You Do With What You View, Selections from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art ;Brunswick, ME (Exhibition Brochure),
                          cover drawing by Edda Renouf.



2016                   Liles, Robert; Painting Between Past and Future - Kwon Young-Woo ; Artasiapacific, Issue 97; March/April 2016; p. 110.

                           Edda Renouf Drawings 1998 - 2011; Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York, NY, April12 - June 8, 2013; Wall Street International; Agenda - United States, Arts;
                           Sunday, 18 August, 2013

                           Plagens, Peter; Edgy Sculpture, Tentative Modernism, and a Chunk of Chinese Marble; The Wall Street Journal; July 15, 2016; Arts/ Arts in Review/ Art Review, NY,NY


                           Gibson, Jess Atwood; Edda Renouf: Sounds of Time ; Barbara Mathes Gallery, NY, NY; May 5 - August 5, 2016; (Exhibition e-catalogue)



2017                   Edda Renouf: Visible Sounds ; Annely Juda Fine Art, London, UK; April 6 - May 20, 2017; (Exhibition catalogue)

                           The American Dream Pop to the Present ; British Museum, London, UK; Thames & Hudson; March 9 - June 18,2017; (Exhibition catalogue); pgs.27, 167 & p.168 - 169

                           Why Draw? 500 Years of Drawings and Watercolors at Bowdoin College; Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, ME, USA; Delmonico Books, Prestel; Munich, London,

                           New York; May 4 - September 3, 2017; (Exhibition catalogue) p. 155 (plate120) p.184.


2020                   Daunt, Catherine & Coppel, Stephen; Living with art, The Alexander Walker oollection, The British Museum, London, UK; The British Museum Press; 2020 (Exhibition

                           Catalogue for British Museum touring exhibition "Living with Art: Picasso to Celmins"); pgs. 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 82 (plates 92 - 93), p. 119 (plate 151).